Sara from DreamBig tagged me to play Lucky Chinese Tag. So I'll give it a go because I really like the number 8 and these things are fun every now and then..... this is all of the top of my head and I'm sure I could have written this list eight different ways depending on when I happened to start it:)
8 TV shows I watch:
I'm not a big TV watcher but here are some shows I enjoy, in no particular order
1. Spooky paranormal shows....Most Haunted that ghostie stuff:)
2. Cooking shows..I find them relaxing, especially Jamie Oliver and Nigella
3. Lost
4. Travel shows....have to satisfy that wanderlust somehow
5. Larry King
6. Nature of Things
7. The Weather Network!
8. Historical Dramas
8 favorite places to eat and drink: (in no particular order)
1. Christmas Dinner at my mom's
2. Bud the Spud french fry truck in Halifax
3. Hot chocolate at Angelina's in Paris
4. Fish soup in Antiparos cooked on the beach in a big battered pot
5. The Redwood Grill in Halifax at the Future Inn, an unlikely place for a great meal
6. Club sandwich and pie at Evangeline's Cafe in Grand Pre
7. Westcliffe Diner for a delicious home cooked burger
8. Any breakfast while camping
8 things I look forward to
1. Seeing Haiti rebuilt and stronger
2. Travelling
3. Planting my garden and seeing it in the summer sun
4. Getting to Cape Breton this summer
5. A fitter, healthier me
6. Meeting new blogging pals
7. Growing my business
8. Not having to worry about finances:)
8 things that happened yesterday
1. I roasted a big tray of veggies
2. Worked on a painting and listed it
3. Did a sixty minute workout
4. Started Madelyn Mulvaney's e-course
5. Thought about things I would like to happen
6. Got some bits and pieces organized
7. Watched some of the Golden Globes
8. Really not much
8 things I love about winter
1. Sparkles
2. Makes me appreciate Spring and warmer weather
3. It creates opportunities to get things done inside
4, It is my birthday season!
5. Skiing
6. Woolly mittens and scarves and hats!
7. Soups and stews
8. The crunch and squeak underfoot
8 things on my wish list
Aside from health and happiness for everyone...
1. See my daughter achieve her goals
2. Trip to Paris again with my mom and daughter
3. Refinished hardwood floors
4. A gallery show
5. Getting hired to do photography portrait sessions
6. Find a really great cause and immerse myself in it.
7. A healthier fitter me:)
8. Do volunteer photography work with an organization that helps people and have it involve some travel.
8 words I use often
1. Thank you
2. Please
3. yikes
4. extraordinary
5. wee
8 things I have learned from the past
1. Helping others makes you feel better
2. Don't be self concious, people don't pay as much attention to you as you think they do.
3. Be kind as often as you can
4. Going for a walk helps the blues
5. Life is a DO IT YOURSELF project, you cannot wait for others to do it for you.
6. All is well......
7. Start from now
8. Talk to strangers, but not until you are grown up:)
8 books, websites, things I recommend
1. The Wedding Officer by Anthony Capella ( Italy,1940's,food, romance)
2.The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, I read these with a flashlight under the covers when I was young:)
3. Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
4. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See (80 year old Lily tells story, China 1800's)
5. Happy Healthy Long Life always interesting:)
6.Fat Girl's Guide To Living, a life hacker for the full figured set. Love what they are doing!
7. Vivian Maier Remarkable photography of this woman collected by John Maloof
8. Pioneer Woman! Fun
8 people I'm tagging for this post (no eye rolling!) Actually I' leaving it up to YOU!
True Canadians watch the Weather Channel. No one else in the whole world is as interested in the weather as we are. Oooo, gotta go! The 5-day forecast is on!
Some interesting little tidbits about you! It was fun to read that!
I love ghostie things too.. have always been facinated by all things paranormal.
You did a better job than I on this, well done :-)
And as for the weather channel, New Englanders are also glued to it.. our weather is so fickle and changes in minutes, it seems.
what a lovely little post! I loved reading this and the "any breakfast while camping" line totally made me smile :)
p.s. I'm going for my volunteer orientation for bust-a-move this week! So excited! ^^
Wow! That was a lot of work, but what fun and very interesting little bits and pieces. Thanks for sharing!
Great list - loved it. I have a soft spot for the Westcliffe. It's just around the corner from my son's. He doesn't think it's healthy food for the children. But when I'm holding down the fort, the kids and I have occasionally trotted in.
Ooooh, I'd forgotten about Evangeline's! Fabulous pie. (Making mental note to go back in July!)
Nice to learn more about you Shelagh! Hope all is well
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