who knew?
Just happened to look up and admire him! His statue reminds me of Victor Noir's tomb effigy which I saw in Paris. A bit of a surprise.
I was at Word on the Street yesterday in Victoria Park. Lots of books and publishers and talks and events. Spent time in the "pitchers" tent. There were sessions for people to pitch the publisher ideas for books. I was interested in the children's session. I have an idea I have been working on, but at the last minute ran out of courage and did not step up to the microphone. It was really interesting to hear people's outlines and story ideas. I' guess I am more of a "one on one" kind of gal. I then crossed the street to take a stroll in the Halifax Public Gardens. Open since 1867.
It is a comfortable wee jewel of a park.
This time of year the gardens are winding down. In the summer they have concerts in this band stand every week.
Lovely statues and some grand fountains here, as well as a large pond for ducks. The resident swans have their own small pond too. Looks like a seagull has decided to try its hand at being a hat.
It was so relaxing to stroll about and admire the autumn flowers. Each time I visit I tell myself I should pop in more often! Right in the heart of the city. We are so lucky.
Also....if you haven't seen them yet, here are my calendars!
Yes, there is a lot to admire on both statues! Makes you wonder how true to life they are. ;)
The garden is lovely. I sure wish I could visit it today.
Your calendars are simply wonderful!
Sharon, It was naughty to point it out but I was quite surprised:) Thanks.
Hey Robbie! Nice package -- no wonder you were always in trouble with the girls!
I love the Public Garden too and visit it every time I'm in Halifax.
The garden is a wonderful contrast to the early leaf fall and mostly dead flower heads here in the U.S. Midwest.
I love a well-planned Autumn garden - and this one is beautiful. Great photos. And I've NEVER seen a statue with such "prominence" in the USA!
Thank you - I needed a laugh - and dear Robbie provided it..
I guess Robbie didn't wear a codpiece to keep things disguised..lol I've read about that Paris statue's attraction.
Halifax Public Gardens is lovely! All the flowers in still in bloom are so pretty.
Wow, the pictures are spectacular, and the Robbie statue,...divine.lol
What kind of Camera do you use?
Debra~ Have you no shame! lol
Mommalibrarian~ The Public Gardens are always beautiful. Right now, mainly along the coast, things are brown. The salt spray from Hurricane Earl burned the foliage. Soon though, everything will be russet and yellow and red.
Sara~ I know!
Kate~ It took me by surprise, hence the photo:)The only other one I know of was in Paris and I linked to it.
Pat~ I think the sculptor had some fun.
The Silk Road~ I used a CanonG11 but I also have a Nikon300 which I don't use as much these days.
Now, it may indeed have been naughty of me, but it sure was fun! You know if they sold replicas of these two statues, they could probably make a fortune! I know, there I go being naughty again. ;)
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