Lavender CottageOn the night of April 14, 1912, the
Titanic hit the iceberg that sealed her fate and went down in the early morning hours of the 15th. Many of the victims are buried here in Halifax throughout several cemeteries. The
Nova Scotia Archives has an interesting collection of related documents and pictures. One of the more poignant documents
is a list of the bodies. Some had names and could be identified (next of kin contacted) and others were just described by their clothing, jewellery and tattoos. The "original" documents which can be found by clicking on the numbers below the electronic list, describes the people physically too.....weight, height, hair colour, marks etc. Sad reading, but makes the people real. Here are a few examples from the electronic list.
Unidentified Female: Probably an Italian; wore two green cotton blouses, green cotton skirt, striped petticoat; nothing else to identify.
Unidentified Male: Ship's uniform. Carried open-face watch, made by Thomas Howard, 157 Kirkdale Road and 200 Rice Lane, Liverpool; stamped "German make." Had post card with picture of 4 little girls on reverse side. Also 1x2 instantaneous snapshot of boy or young man.
Unidentified Male:Wore light rain coat; uniform jacket with green facing and vest; purple muffler; carried cigarette case; silver watch; knife with carved pearl handle, and brass button marked "African Royal Mail"; also English lever watch.
Unidentified Female:Shoes marked "Parsons Sons, Athlone"; medallion round neck marked "B.V.M." ; wore wedding ring, keeper and another gold ring; locket and photo; one jet and one bead necklace.
Unidentified Male:Blue tattoo mark, and wore copper wire ring on thumb of right hand. Nothing else to identify.
Reading the list makes the tragedy very real. Burial for each body is listed, some just had burial at sea written beside their info.........and others are marked with a number and the cemetery. One of graveyards is about a ten minute walk from my house.
The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic has a
permanent exhibit on display that is really interesting and sad.
Read story behind these wee shoes.