Remember Mrs. Baird in an earlier post?
Here's what my mom wrote to me. The bold is mine.
On reading your blog I see that Mrs Baird's Ginger Cake (and I would like that recipe) is written by Jessie (my grandmother's sister). Mrs. Baird was a friend of hers who was a rich farmer's wife . She lived about a mile away from J's house at Bridge of Dun , near Montrose. She was a big lady with a deep voice and a hearty laugh, who always seemed to wear an apron. Mrs. Baird had three daughters and a son. I remember the names Cathy and Moira but can't get the others. Her husband ( they were always called Mr and Mrs so I never heard their names) looked like an exact replica of her in male form. I remember walking down for afternoon tea at their house, lovely scones, strawberries etc. Yum!. Good memories indeed.
Jessie's husband was the rector at Bridge of Dun, Scotland. He, Jessie and their daughter lived in the manse there and my mum tells many happy stories of going to visit them at the "big" house. One day he ran away to Africa to be with another woman, leaving behind his wife and young daughter. It was a Sunday morning, and my Great aunt had to speak to the congregation herself and tell them what had happened. Jessie then moved in with her sister, my grandmother and they lived together for the rest of their lives.
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There's something about the story of the rector's abandonment of his family that makes me think of Alice Munro, who could surely do justice to the feelings of those left behind. Thanks for sharing it.
Lovely oranges, by the way.
Ohhhh, that is so sad. I can't imagine how anyone could leave their family, especially their child. And I'm dismayed that your Great Aunt had to tell the entire church congregation what happened to her great niece. I have a friend who's mother had to tell her church congregation that she was to be an unwed mother. Horrors! Well, I agree that it makes for an interesting family story. I hope Jesse and her daughter live(d) fulfilled, happy lives.
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